All to allow more prescription drugs to flood the market, making BILLIONS for the Cartel. How? In just 2015 alone, the FDA received $97,605,000 in ‘standard fees’ from the Cartel. Take for example the FDA: The Cartel has been funding that group for years.
So, even without Hillary on their side, they can still have unprecedented power to influence our government’s healthcare laws and policies. Look, Trump has promised to ‘drain the swamp’ in DC… but these folks are too powerful to be touched. What’s even more terrifying is that this group is NOT made up of politicians. Now, that might not sound intimidating at first blush, but in partnership with Hillary, they’ve already launched Executive Plan 5 with one simple goal: Manipulate American politics - and the American people - for BILLIONS in pharmaceutical drug profits. They work in secret and consist of highly influential figures, lobbyists, and even corporate executives. “From my experience, I’ve found Clinton’s Cartel to be an extremely cunning and dangerous team.